Intercultural integration of art, science and spirituality for understanding, supporting and accelerating a global transformation of consciousness.
History of ECR

30 September - 2. October 2022
2nd Symposium on Transdisciplinarity at Kränzlin Castle: Coherence in living Systems
Conference on castle Kränzlin; 30. September -2. October 2022 – Hosted by DSVV-University, the Institute of Transdisciplinarity and the ECR-Institute
Planned publication as a volume in the Springer book series on Transdisciplinarity.
Coherence is a central term in transdisciplinary language clearly defined in multiple disciplines such as physics, biology, chemistry, sociology, linguistics, sustainability sciences, health sciences, economy etc. This conference opens a dialogue between disciplinary approaches to coherence and their integration in a larger context. Special emphasis is on the measurability of coherence, importance of coherence for health, live and consciousness and its application on a larger social, ecological and global level for the solution of global issues.
The conference started with a two hours Bohmian Dialogue, followed by a series of five trialouges in which each of the speakers did a 15 min presentation followed by a reflection on the other two speakers and a discussion with the plenum. The trialogues were moderated and composed by disciplines and take 90 min each. We just experienced this dynamic format on our first transdisciplinary symposium very succesfully.
Potential Invited Participants
Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Vitiello; (QFT Physicis, Water)
Dr. Alberto Garoli (Medicine, TCM)
Dr. Mauricio Garrido (Quantum-physics and optics)
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schröder (Linguistic, Cultural and Communication Sciences, Health Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach (Psychology)
Dr. Marco Bischof (Biophotons)
Dr. Thorsten Ludwig (Physics)
Prof. Dr. Jan Rak (Nuclear Physics)
Prof. Dr. Mathias Schüz (Physics, Philosophy, Economics)
Marcus Schmieke; Adj. Prof. DSVV, India (Physics, Philosophy)
Mikkel Aagaard (Electrical Engineering)
Prof. Dr. Giulio Tononi (Consciousness Reserach)
Dr. Rollin McCraty (Heartmath, Coherence)
Dr. Roger Nelson (Psychology, GCP)
Hans Geesink MSs (Physics)
Dr. Roberto Germano (Physicis, Water)
Dr. Walter v. Lucadau (Physics, Parapsychology)
Prod. Dr. Stuart Hameroff (Neurosciences)
Prof. Dr. Meijer, DFK (Medicine)
Prof. Dr. Roland van Wijk (Biopthons)
Hans-Werner Quast (Journalism)

20-22 May 2022
1st Symposium on Transdisciplinarity at Kränzlin Castle
From 20 – 22 May 2022, the ECR Institute, affiliated to ConScience e.V., organised the first symposium on transdisciplinarity with over 20 scientists, people from business, culture as well as religion to discuss practical integration possibilities of transdisciplinarity in different areas of life. This first symposium served as the basis for a book series on the topic of the same name published by the international Springer medical and scientific publishing house.
The initiators of the symposium were Mathias Schüz, Marcus Schmieke, René Schmidpeter and Gerald Steiner. Participants included Harald Walach, Petra Barthelmess, Ruth Schröder-Gürlich, Enrico Bauer, Elfriede Neuhold, Birgit Feldhusen, Johannes Heinrichs, Yusuf Örnek, Sacinandana Swami, Marco Bischof, Hans-Werner Quast, Patrick Nickisch, Christian Halper, Mikkel Aagaard, Wencke Mühlenberg, Gloria Alexandra Grimm, and Julianna Habdank. Hartmut Schröder was unfortunately unable to attend.
At the beginning, an introduction to the topic of transdisciplinarity was given to get the participants in the mood before moving on to the “Bohm dialogue”, in which all participants spoke about their personal approaches to transdisciplinarity.
In the “Weizsäcker Trialogue” that followed, 2 – 3 speakers each presented their ideas and conceptions of the integration of transdisciplinarity on the following topics:
1. organisation of future societies – Harald Walach, Birgit Feldhusen, Marcus Schmieke
2. the health matrix – Marco Bischof, Mikkel Aagaard
3. Economics of Fair Exchange – René Schmidpeter, Enrico Bauer, Gerald Steiner
4. transcultural transdisciplinarity – Petra Barthelmess, Elfriede Neuhold
5. philosophy of transdisciplinarity – Mathias Schüz, Johannes Heinrichs, Yusuf Örnek
At the end of the symposium, topics for the first book series were discussed and proposals from all participants were discussed, as well as an outlook on the further volumes. The second symposium on transdisciplinarity, which took place from 30 September to 2 October 2020, also in Kränzlin, was announced and all participants as well as new speakers were invited.

March / April 2022
Prof. Giuseppe Vitiello, PhD: DNA Waves and Water
DNA Waves and Water – The Historic Experiments of Jacques Benveniste and Luc Montagnier
3-Part Course organized by the ECR-Institute (Berlin) and hosted by Marcus Schmieke, Adjunct Prof. Dev Sanskriti University (Haridvar)
On Tuesday February 8, 2022 the French Biologist and Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier passed away in the age 89. After receiving the Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV virus he dedicated a great part of his research to continue the legendary experiments of Jacques Benveniste on diluted solutions.
Montagnier succeded to transduct the electro-magnetic image of DNA in diluted water solutions to pure water through em waves, opening up new perspectives in diagnostics and treatment of many different diseases.
Giuseppe Vitiello visited the Laboratory of Benveniste already before the “Scientific Inquisition” attacked Benveniste and his team in 1988 and closely worked with Luc Montagnier on experiements and the theory of DNA waves and water.
In this series of three Webinars, Vitiello will give a deep insight in this historical research, its theoretical explanations and potential applications.
The Benveniste experiments on Digital Biology
Luc Montagnier’s experiments on transduction of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves
Coherent Domains of water and quantum field theory of living systems
3 Lessons
Thu, March 24, 2022 – 5.00 – 7.00 pm CET Berlin Time
Thu, March 31, 2022 – 5.00 – 7.00 pm CET Berlin Time
Thu, April 7, 2022 – 5.00 – 7.00 pm CET Berlin Time
Prof. Giuseppe Vitiello, PhD
Professor Giuseppe Vitiello is one of the worlds leading researchers in quantum field theory, elementary particle physics, biological systems and mind-brain studies with more than 250 publications.
In his famous book, My Double unveiled, Prof. Vitiello presents a model of brain, body, memory and consciousness firmly based on quantum physics and the biology of dissipative systems.
In his publications and lectures he connects science with philosophy, wisdom and art. His research on DNA waves and water together with nobel-laurate Luc Montagnier et al. opens a deeper understanding of water as the basis of life and consciousness.
Giuseppe Vitiello works at the Department of Physics “E. R. Caianiello”, Università degli Studi di Salerno. He researches in Elementary Particle Physics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, and the physics of biological systems and brain studies. One of his projects is ‘Linguistics and some aspects of its underlying dynamics: suggestions from Quantum Field Theory’.
Lectures will be always from 5.00 – 7.00 pm CEST on each of these Thursdays.
Each lecture will be followed by a discussion with Marcus Schmieke, the ECR-faculty and participants of the seminar.
More info:

21. March 2022
Global Consciousness Day, Monday, March 21, 2022 Online
Marcus Schmieke – Scientist and Philosopher
Rachel Bongartz – Holotropic Breathing Expert and Teacher
Sacinandana Swami – Spiritual Teacher and Mystic
The three speakers presented a space of awareness, meditation and the experience of the power of a collective consciousness; the experience of the intense feeling of connecting our personal intention with the higher universal mind and the collective consciousness to create a better world to live in for all living entities. A world of love and unity, of joy and of healing, of connection to the Divine power that encompasses everything.
The Global Consciousness Day 2022 was moderated by Marcus Schmieke and contained individual presentations a discussion and a collective meditation.
To watch the Global Consciousness Day 2022 again:
More Info:

September/October 2021
Prof. Giuseppe Vitiello, PhD: Life, Brain, Water, and Consciousness
Certificate Course organized by the ECR-Institute (Berlin) and hosted by Marcus Schmieke, Adjunct Prof. Dev Sanskriti University (Haridvar)
In September and October 2021, we had the great honor of working with Professor Vitiello, one of the leading quantum physicists, to create this three-part seminar.
It aimed to scientifically describe life in its wholeness, creating a dynamic picture that binds quantum fields, the brain, living matter and the wonderful properties of water. Professor Vitiello, in an international team of interdisciplinary researchers, has created one of the most comprehensive models of man, encompassing his material and immaterial sides.
Target audience: Transdisciplinary academics, researchers, students, practitioners, users of bioenergetic devices. After the successful exam completion, participants will be awarded with a certificate jointly issued by the Dev Sanskriti University and the ECR-Institute.
3 Lessons:
Thu, September 16th – 5 pm to 7 pm CEST
Thu, September 23th – 5 pm to 7 pm CEST
Thu, October 7th – 5 pm to 7 pm CEST
Professor Giuseppe Vitiello, PhD is one of the worlds leading researchers in quantum field theory, elementary particle physics, biological systems and mind-brain studies with more than 250 publications.
In his famous book, My Double unveiled, Prof. Vitiello presents a model of brain, body, memory and consciousness firmly based on quantum physics and the biology of dissipative systems.
In his publications and lectures he connects science with philosophy, wisdom and art. His research on DNA waves and water together with nobel-laurate Luc Montagnier et al. opens a deeper understanding of water as the basis of life and consciousness.
Giuseppe Vitiello works at the Department of Physics “E. R. Caianiello”, Università degli Studi di Salerno. He researches in Elementary Particle Physics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, and the physics of biological systems and brain studies. One of his projects is ‘Linguistics and some aspects of its underlying dynamics: suggestions from Quantum Field Theory.
Lectures will be always from 5.00 – 7.00 pm CEST on each of these Thursdays.
Each lecture will be followed by a discussion with Marcus Schmieke, the ECR-faculty and participants of the seminar.
More info:

April - June 2021
Certificate Course organized by the ECR-Institute, hosted by the Dev Sanskriti University (Haridvar)
Online-Seminar in 12 Webinars over a period of 3 months, always Fridays: 2.00 -3.30 PM CEST
Seminar Facilitator: Marcus Schmieke, Adjunct Prof. Dev Sanskriti University (Haridvar)
Target group: transdisciplinary academic audience; for example: physics, biology, biophysics, philosophy, psychology, medicine, neurosciences etc.
The subject of this certified course in English is to present and discuss current fundamental approaches for integrating consciousness and meaning into modern physics and science. It ties in with the current discussions on alternatives to the Copenhagen interpretation and expansions of quantum theory beyond the microscopic physical reality.
Special attention is payed to David Bohm´s approach to Consciousness (Paavo Pylkkänen) and the Generalized Quantum Theory of Harald Walach et al. Practical consequences of quantum physics are reflected (Jan Rak) and its ethical implications are discussed based on Weizsäcker´s quantum philosophy (Mathias Schüz). Johannes Heinrichs will provide a strong philosophical and ontological foundation for an integral science. The seminar will further provide an outlook for the importance of information fields in a transdisciplinary science (Marcus Schmieke).
At the end of the entire 12-part course, an online multiple-choice test will be made available that relates to the 12 webinar contents. The successful completion of this test is the basis for obtaining the course certificate from Dev Sanskriti University.
More Info:

27. February 2021
Worlds of Consciousness, Sat, Feb 27, 2021
On Sat, Feb 27, 2021, the ECR Institute performed the 3rd Worlds of Consciousness Conference about latest consciousness research, this time as an Online event.
Marcus Schmieke and 10 other international speakers out of science and spirituality gave interesting ideas about the connection of mind and matter under the motto “Consciousness, Information Fields, Science & Spirituality” with exciting lectures, meditations and discussions.
The free event in English was divided in two independent parts for the different international time zones, so that more than 2.000 people from all over the world could be inspired and gain new insights.
Schedule & Speakers:
Sat, 27. Feb. 2021: 10.00 – 12.30 Uhr / Session I
10.00 – 10.15 am CET Marcus Schmieke (ECR) – Welcome, Consciousness & Information Fields
10.15 – 10.30 am CET David Lorimer (Scientific & Medical Network) – The Galileo Commission Report
10.30 – 10.45 am CET Prof. Dr. Jan Rak (CERN) – Consciousness and an expanded Quantum Theory
10.45 – 11.00 am CET Dr. Chinmay Pandya (Dev Sanskriti University India) – Consciousness in Science
11.00 – 11.15 am CET Dr. Maika Steinborn (Berlin) – The Mind and Psychology‘s Third Wave
11.15 – 11.30 am CET Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach (Uni Witten-Herdecke) – Consciousness, Spirituality, Science
11.30 – 11.45 am CET Christian Halper (TIAN) – Positive Thoughts – Positive Actions
11.45 – 12.00 am CET Eddie Stern – (New York) –The Yogic Breath as a reflection of Universal Consciousness
12.00 – 12.15 am CET Sacinandana Swami (Berlin) – Freeing the Mind – Guided Meditiation
12.15 – 12.30 pm CET Final words & discussion
Sat, 27. Feb. 2021: 18.00 – 20.45 / Session II
6.00 – 6.15 pm CET Marcus Schmieke (ECR) – Welcome, Consciousness & Information Fields
6.15 – 6.30 pm CET David Lorimer (Scientific & Medical Network) – The Galileo Commission Report
6.30 – 6.45 pm CET Prof. Dr. Jan Rak (CERN) – Consciousness and an expanded Quantum Theory
6.45 – 7.00 pm CET Brenda Dunne (PEAR Lab) – Connected Consciousness
7.00 – 7.15 pm CET Dr. Chinmay Pandya (Dev Sanskriti University India) – Consciousness in Science
7.15 – 7.30 pm CET Christian Halper (TIAN) – Positive Thoughts – Positive Actions
7.30 – 7.45 pm CET Prof. Dr. Chris Bache (YSU Ohio) – States of Consciousness are Contagious
7.45 – 8.00 pm CET Sacinandana Swami (Berlin) – The deeper Goals of Meditation
8.00 – 8.30 pm CET Eddie Stern (New York) – The Yogic Breath as a reflection of Universal Consciousness
8.30 – 8.45 pm CET Final words & discussion
View both parts again here:
More Info:

21. December 2020
Global Consciousness Day, Mon, Dec 21, 2020
On Dec 21, 2020, the Institute for Existential Consciousness Research – ECR conducted the Global Consciousness Day for the wellbeing of mother earth, for the rise of the collective consciousness of humanity, for coherence, peace and unity.
11 international speakers from science, humanities and spiritual traditions gave their contribution, speeches and meditations in this worldwide free-of-charge online event.
The event is based on an initiative of ECR founder Marcus Schmieke and was conceived in cooperation with ConScience, GEHP and Dev Sanskriti University, Haridvar, India. More than 2.000 people from over 50 countries joined in this global meditation on the winter solstice, sending their best intentions and positive impulses, uplifting consciousness within society and for this planet we are all living on.
Both events started with an introduction about their scientific and spiritual background, presented by Marcus Schmieke and other renowned scientists and spiritual teachers, followed by a guided and a collective meditation.
The Program & Speakers – Part 1 (10.00 am CET – Germany morning time)
10.00 – 10.20 am CET Marcus Schmieke & Prof. Dr. Jan Rak Scientific Backgrounds of Consciousness
10.20 – 10.30 am CET Dr. Chinmay Pandya A new Mindset for the world of tomorrow (Dev Sanskriti University:
10.30 – 10.40 am CET Master Blinding Truth Preview for 2021 from the perspective of the I Ging
10.40 – 10.50 am CET Christian Halper Astrological Prospects for the Development of our Collective Consciousness
10.50 – 11.00 am CET Lama Tendar Mantra Chanting for Upliftment of the Mind (
11.00 – 11.10 am CET Michael Curley Guided Meditation
11.10 – 11.20 am CET Collective meditation for the Wellbeing of this Planet and all Living Entities
The Program & Speakers – Part 2 (6.00 pm CET – Germany evening time)
6.00 – 6.25 pm CET Marcus Schmieke, Brenda Dunne & Dr. Roger Nelson Scientific Backgrounds ( (
6.25 – 6.35 pm CET Master Blinding Truth Preview for 2021 from the perspective of the I Ging
6.35 – 6.45 pm CET Christian Halper Astrological Prospects for the Development of our Collective Consciousness
6.45 – 6.55 pm CET Prof. Dr. Chris Bache Transformation of Consciousness (
6.55 – 7.00 pm CET Lama Tendar Mantra Chanting for Upliftment of the Mind (
7.00 – 7.10 pm CET Sacinandana Swami Guided Meditation (
7.10 – 7.20 pm CET Collective meditation for the Wellbeing of this Planet and all Living Entities
It was on December 1st, 2013, when for the first time hundreds of TimeWaver Information Field Systems were synchronously sending out a common message of peace, love, compassion, responsibility and wisdom into the global Information Field of humanity. The idea had been publicly announced during a convention two months earlier by the two founders of the Global Earth Healing Project, Dr. Hendrik Treugut and Marcus Schmieke, with reference to Dr. Roger Nelson‘s Global Consciousness Project (
These optimizations on December 1, 2013 and March 1, 2014, as well as some other collective efforts caused significant changes in the data of Dr. Nelsons Global Consciousness Project. More scientific research about the data interpretations would need to be done. The goal of this project, which is still ongoing today, is to jointly give impulses to the global consciousness of mankind for its further development, carried by compassion, love and wisdom. Since then, a network of many thousands of people in more than 50 countries around the world has been created.
On December 21, the day of the winter solstice, Marcus Schmieke and the ECR wanted to unite all networks for the first time on this Global Consciousness Day.
Both parts of the event can be reviewed here:
More Info:

9. September 2019
5th Symposium on the 9th of Sep. Bad Nauheim - Exhibition of Fellows
08:00-09:00: Setting up the exhibition room
09:00- 10:00: 1st Slot
- Katerina Melenova/ Matya Polnicky o
- Reborn Renaissance Castle Project and Humanism 2.0
- Expo for New Reality
- Andreas Mascha
- Institution: Integral Consciousness/ World Life Center
- Building holistic and integral healing center
- Mauricio Rossetani/ Lorenzo Rossenttani / Roberto Di Giacomo o Institution: Highsign
- Be the architect of your life
10:00-11:00: Slot 2
- Marco Bischof and Thorsten Ludwig/ Brenda Dunne/ Roger Nelson
- Institution: IACR Research on Mind-Matter-Interaction
- Julene Siddique
- Organization: NadaBrahma
- Music, health and frequencie
- Martin Wittmann and Marcus Schmieke
- TimeWaver
11:00-12:30: Spezialbeitrag: Diskussion über Reinkarnation mit Chris Bache und Ervin Lazlo
12:30-14:00: Mittagessen
14:00 – 15:00: Slot 3
- Stephan/ Blanka Drescher
- Institution: T.R.U.E. The Renaissance University Europe for Kids
- New schools and new kindergardens
- Kelly Schwegel
- Institution: Social Wisdom Initiative
- A global initiative to built compassion in our world
- Ervin Lazlo/ Julene Siddique/ Jean-Pierre Gerbaulet
- Institution: Lazlo Institute
- Paradigm Shift in Health Care
- Ricardo Illy
- The importance for a new Health Care System
15:30 – 16:50: Slot 4
- Pavel Efimov/ Jan Plaan o
- Institute of biosensory psychology and telekinesis
- Regina Hess/ Dennis Johnson
- Institution: European Transpersonal Society / Mind Foundation https://mind–org/
- Scharka Dominova
- Institution: Jaguar People
- Mathias Schüz
- Ethical Business
17:30- 19:00: lunch
19:00- open end: Conclusion
- Daniel Dick
- Concluding words
Find the project descriptions and presentation topics here: https://www.ecr––project/
Find the biographies and partner institutions here: https://www.ecr––network/

8. September 2019
Congress of Consciousness Research: Worlds of Consciousness 2019 - Spiritual Experience, Cosmology and Science
The second “Worlds of Conscousness” congress will take place again in the beautiful city of Bad Nauheim, in the Dolce Hotel. Our chosen topic is “Spiritual Experience and Science”. We are about to invite speakers and will keep you updated. Take note of the date!
09:00-09:30 am
Introduction to the Worlds of Consciousness 2019 and the Existential Consciousness Institute
09:30-10:00 am
Emotions and Resonance in Science and Spirituality
10:00-11:00 am
Global Consciousness – A Cosmology of Connection
11:00-11:30 am
11:30-12:30 pm
Mapping of the Transcendent – Science of Psychedelics
12:30-01:00 pm
Becoming holistic in spirituality and science
01:00-02:30 pm
lunch break
02:30-03:00 pm
Why does Quantum Physics change Reality?
Speaker: PROF. DR. JAN RAK
03:00-04:00 pm
Consciousness and Intention – The Operator in Science in PEAR Lab Research
04:00-04:30 pm
coffee break
04:30-05:30 pm
Science and Spiritual Experience
05:30-06:15 pm
Sexuality, Spirituality and Altered States of Consciousness
06:15 pm
*Subject to change.

12. March 2019
4th Symposium of ECR - Quantum Physics and Consciousness
The 4th Symposium of Existential Consciousness Research deals with the connection between quantum physics and consciousness. We invite experts from the fields of consciousness research, cognitive science, neurology, quantum physics, theoretical physics and parascience to enter dialogue with the following questions and areas in order to approach to the mystery of consciousness.
Among many others Deepak Chopra and Menas C. Kafatos wrote in an article: From Quantum Mechanics to Qualia Mechanicsi, that phenomena operate in the quantum world as well as consciousness and that complementarity, recursion and process or interactivity can be counted among the analogously characteristics of consciousness. At what level are such analogies tenable? Based on analogies, Ludwig v. Bertalanffyii investigated the distinction to homologies to find laws of living systems. The relation of system sciences to consciousness or quantum physics was suggested at that time by the holism, but not in connection with today’s knowledge. Görnitziii postulates the thesis of the fact of a so-called protyposis, a pre-given and meaningless source of information, whose formations can become quantum physical photons, material particles and meaningful consciousness. Marco Bischofiv has been working for years on an extension of field theories based on vacuum research, quantum phenomena and forms of energy. The principle of complementarity in a Generalized Quantum Theoryv was proposed by Harald Atmaspacher, Römer and Harald Walach, among others, and was deepened by Thilo Hinterbergervi, while Walter v. Lucadou and Harald Walachvii discussed homeopathy and paranormal phenomena with GQT in a fundamentally new way. All these areas lead to open questions:
On what empirical basis are further theses of quantum physical processes to be assumed for our perceptible reality? Is research into microtubules the solutionviii? Is the approximation of empiricism by other models more accessible, such as the Integration Information Theoryix or the neural networks? How can the size differences be coupled (general systems theory or synergetics) to connect a quantum physical level to an experience level? On which experiments can we build?
Participation of guests only by invitation or by initiative and confirmation.
09:00 Prof. Harald Walach: General Quantum Theory and phenomenal reality
10:30 Prof. Peter Mulacz: New thinking vs old thinking – Quantum inflation and illusions in Parapsychology
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Marcus Schmieke: Information, energy and consciousness
15:30 Prof. Hartmut Schröder: Information and exformation
with a contribution by Andreas Mascha: Exformation, depth of information and consciousness
17:00 Final discussion round of the day
18:00 End
20:00 Dinner
09:00 Dr. Walter v. Lucadou: Causality and entanglement in parapsychology and humanities
10:30 Dr. Marco Bischof: Quantum phenomena in biology
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Daniel Dick: Input and moderation for the final discussion
16:00 End
1 Further information on past events can be found at .
i Chopra, D., & Kafatos, M. C. (2016). From Quantum Mechanics to Qualia Mechanics. In Consciousness – Integrating Eastern and Western Perspectives (1st ed.). New Delhi: New Age Books.
ii Bertalanffy, L. von. (1969). General system theory : foundations, development, applications (Revised ed). George Braziller.
iii Görnitz, T., & Görnitz, B. (2016). Von der Quantenphysik zum Bewusstsein. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
iv Bischof, M. (2005). Biophotonen : das Licht in unseren Zellen. Zweitausendeins.
Bischof, M. (2002). Tachyonen, Orgonenergie, Skalarwellen : feinstoffliche Felder zwischen Mythos und Wissenschaft. AT-Verl.
The research results of the combination of vacuum research, field theories and quantum physics have not yet been published.
v Atmanspacher H, Römer H, Walach H (2002) Weak quantum theory: complementarity and entanglement in physics and beyond. Found Phys 32(3):379–406
vi Hinterberger, T., & von Stillfried, N. (2013). The Concept of Complementarity and its Role in Quantum Entanglement and Generalized Entanglement. Axiomathes, 23(3), 443–459.
vii Walach, H., Von Lucadou, W., & Römer, H. (2014). Parapsychological phenomena as examples of generalized nonlocal correlations-a theoretical framework. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 28(4), 605–631.
viii Hagan, S., Hameroff, S.R., and Tuszynski, J.A., 2002, “Quantum computation in brain microtubules: Decoherence and biological feasibility,” Physical Review E, 65: 061901-1 to –
Hameroff, S.R., and Penrose, R., 1996, “Conscious events as orchestrated spacetime selections,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 3(1): 36–53.
ix Tononi, G., & Koch, C. (2015). Consciousness: here, there and everywhere? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 370(1668), 20140167–20140167.

22. November 2018
3nd Symposium of the Existential Consciousness Research Institute
On 22 and 23 November 2018, scientists from the fields of quantum physics, medicine, philosophy and education met at Schloss Kränzlin to exchange information, reflections and projects for the future within the framework of the Existential Consciousness Research Institute. In the meeting, a driving question was to agree what knowledge and statements is secured with respect to a fundamental theory of consciousness. In the respective lectures, it became clear how the complexity of the multiple questions about consciousness can be represented.
How do mind and matter on the one hand and the conscious and the unconscious on the other hand relate in the space-time continuum, how can events be explained in a logical sequence? Is there a meaningful order for synchronous events? Which dimensions can explain which areas of consciousness explain?
Prof. Johannes Heinrichs pointed out in his lecture: The sense elements of human self-consciousness as a structure of different opposites to the philosophical need to speak about consciousness in the logic of self-reflection.
Daniel Dick elaborated the Archimedean points of view of different models of consciousness and the possibility of a multi-and a-perspective dimension of the process of consciousness.
Robert Polnicky formulated the principles of his developed “Dynamic Paradigm”, whose radical position of the here and now is examined for all levels of meaning and its meaningfully coordination.
Stefan Dreschler presented a concept for a new education based on a new paradigm, in which children are enabled to face challenges individually to learn freedom, responsibility and friendship through project tasks.
Marcus Schmieke explained the double complementarity of matter and spirit, as well as of the unconscious and the conscious in connection with different depths of reflection and conditional areas of consciousness.
Prof. Jan Rak presented the connection between relational gravitation theory, the theory of relativity and the quantum physical conditions of the explanations and under what assumptions which theories are meaningful.
In an effort to develop existing concepts, the relevance of many different dimensions of human experience should be tested with one’s own and other concepts without prejudice, and be attentive to dynamic new developments.
The willingness to leave the previous comfort zone in order to define appropriate values, goals and social consent with regard to a global transformation process was made clear by various reflection rounds of the symposium. In the field between the experience of “objective reality” and “lived reflection” many questions remain. The effort to answer these questions is a central concern of the Institute and its dedicated staff.
22 November 2018, Thursday:
10:00-10:30 Introduction to the Symposium and Website Presentation
10:30-12:00 Johannes Heinrichs: The sense-elements of human self-consciousness as a structure of different opposites
Reflection: Daniel Dick
12:00-13:30 Daniel Dick: Multi-perspective phenomenology for Existential Consciousness Research in relation to Orthogonal Complementarity
Reflection: Johannes Heinrichs
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:30: Robert Polnicky: Dynamic Paradigm
Reflection: Marcus Schmieke
16:30-18:00 Stefan Dreschler: Visions of a New School and University
18:00-18:30 Summary
18:30 Dinner
November 23rd, 2018, Friday:
10:00- 11:30 Marcus Schmieke: Self-Conscienciouness and Orthogonal Complementarity
Reflection: Jan Rak
11:30- 13:00 Jan Rak: Physics of Consciousness and Tesla’s Legacy
Reflection: Robert Polnicky
13:00- 14:00 Lunch

04.June 2018
2nd Symposium of the Existential Consciousness Research Institute
The second symposium took place one day after the congress Worlds of Consciousness. Christopher Bache gave a workshop on his last publications in evening before. Professor Edmund Weber presented a Christian perspective on consciousness and Robert Polnicky introduced his Dynamic Paradigm. Many open spaces allowed to get in dialogues and open conversations with this amazing group of people, some made new friends.
In the end of the day, information on inspiring literature and insights have been exchange as well as future projects envisioned. A very special coming together.
Participants: Prof. Dr. Christopher Bache, Dr. Marco Bischof, Rachel Bongartz, Johannes G. Eisenburger, Daniel Dick, Christian Halper, Prof. Dr. Johannes Heinrichs, Dennis Johnson, Dr. Manfred Kubny, Lina Launhardt, Dr. Willem Pim van Lommel, Patricia Lüning-Klemm, Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede, Prof. Peter Mulacz, Brent Nichols, Dr. Robert Polnicky, Bree, Prof. Dr. Jan Rak, Sacinandana Swami, Marcus Schmieke, Priv. Doz. Dr. Elmar Schübl, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schröder, Julene Siddique, Prof. Dr. theol. Edmund Weber, Stephanie Weber, Prof. Dr. Changlin Zhang, and some more spontanous guests.
09.00am – 09.30am Ideas, vision, current structure and future network of consciousness collaboration
09.30am – 11.45pm Presentation of oneself a 5 min.
11.45am – 12.30pm Prof. Dr. Edmund Weber “Existieren im Widerspruch in der Perspektive von Martin Luthers mehrwertiger Theo-Logik“ and 15min. discussion
12.30pm – 02.00pm Lunch
02.00pm – 02.45pm Dr. Robert Polnicky „Consciousness within the dynamic paradigm“ and 15min. discussion
02:45pm – 03:30pm Wishes, dreams, circles, resources – part 1
03:30pm – 04:00pm Break
04.00pm – 06.00pm Wishes, dreams, circles, resources – part 2 and conclusio

03.June 2018
Congress "Worlds of Consciousness" (Cooperative Event)
To approach the frontiers of consciousness research, Marcus Schmieke, Physicist and author of more than 20 books on consciousness, science, information fields and Vedic knowledge invited various scientific disciplines to a Congress Conference Center Bad Nauheim. It was a cooperative event with the TimeWaverWorld Congress one day before. About 700 participants from 26 countries took part in the event: » Exploring the frontiers of Consciousness«.
Christian Halper and Marcus Schmieke introduced the institute of existential consciousness research and its vision. Pim van Lommel, cardiologist showed various evidences on out-of-body-experiences, Johannes Heinrichs explained his continuity on reflexive-philosophical development leading to Psychological Philosophy, Hartmut Schröder explained how culture is an extension of the consciousness for health, and Jan Rak as a physicist showed the interconnection between Energy, Light, Gravitation, Matter and Consciousness from a quantum perspective. Prof Martin Mittwede presented the structure of religious experience, while Prof. Christopher Bache gave a talk on his past publications and an account on after-life-memories of children and Sacinanda Swami told the audience his personal out-of body- experience. Each presentation has been recorded and can be found in our Explore-section.
Event schedule
09:00 AM
09:15 AM
Culture as an Expansion of Consciousness
09:45 AM
The Power of a New Science
Speaker: PROF. DR. JAN RAK
10:15 AM
Morning break
10:45 AM
Out of Body Experiences and Spiritual Conclusions
11:15 AM
Infinite Consciousness – Scientific evidence for Near Death Experiences
12:00 PM
The Evidence for Reincarnation
12:45 PM
Lunch break
02:15 PM
Intercultural Structure of Spiritual Experience
02:45 PM
Diamonds from Heaven: A 20 year psychedelic journey into the mind of the universe
03:30 PM
Afternoon break
04:00 PM
Questions of Philosophical Psychology (Consciousness Research) for Natural Sciences
04:30 PM
Gayatri Consciousness
04:45 PM
Vision of the Institute for existential consciousness research
05:15 PM
Evening break and official end of the conference

18.April 2018
1st Symposium of the Existential Consciousness Research Institute
The first symposium of the Existential Consciousness Research Institute took place in Castle Kränzlin. All participants were involved in the creation of the common vision paralleled by presentation. In various rounds of individual and collective wishes, projects and roles could be distillated in an unifying phrase as a common ground for a visionary future: The Vision and Mission is the intercultural integration of art, science and spirituality to understand, support and accelerate a global consciousness transformation.͟
Prof. Hartmut Schröder and Dr. Engelbert Kronthaler shared their knowledge on consciousness research in presentations and following discussions. The mathematics of qualities of Engebert Kronthaler lead to deepening the work of Gotthard Günther ́s multi-valued logic. The cultural health approach of Hartmut Schröder paved the way for new insights on the nature of consciousness and its cultural aspects of care and development.
Participants: Dr. Marco Bischof, Dai Zhikang, Daniel Dick, Johannes G. Eisenburger, Christian Halper, Shu Min Lin, Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede, Dr. Engelbert Kronthaler, Lina Launhardt, Patricia Lüning-Klemm, Prof. Dr. Jan Rak, Marcus Schmieke, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schröder, Swami Sacinandana
April 18th
9.30 – 10.00 Arrival and coffee
10.00 – 11.00 Presentation Vision and Institute by Marcus Schmieke, Daniel Dick and Lina Launhardt
11.00 – 11.30 Lecture: Consciousness and Culture by Prof. Hartmut Schröder
11.30 – 13.00 Brief presentations of the participants a 10 min
13.00 – 15.00 Lunch and chat room
15.00 – 19.00 Creative development process for the content and form of the institute in a discussion group
19.00 Open End and dinner
April 19th
09.00-12.30 Informal exchange with coffee
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 Lecture: Consciousness and multivalent logic by Dr. Engelbert Kronthaler
15.00 – 17.00 Interdisciplinary exchange based on this approach
Open End